Late Antique Balkans

Even in today’s modern conditions of communication and exchange of scientific theories, communication between researchers from different academic fields is still a rare phenomenon. The period of Late Antiquity was a time of change, emergence of new institutions, new literary genres and formation of new social and cultural structures. Promoting dialogue between researchers and stimulating an attitude of collaboration between different academic fields is a key component for advancing research on such complex and interrelated issues. For this reason, we set ourselves the task of creating a working team of researchers from the Balkan countries (archaeologists, historians, art critics, theologians, philologists), whose main scientific interests are focused on the period of Late Antiquity (4th – 7th). Furthermore, our long-term goal is to create a network dedicated to the study of Late Antiquity in Central and South-Eastern Europe. In order to achieve these goals, we have planned various types of meetings between representatives of the academic community and events, where everyone who is interested will have the chance to participate. Our main activity revolves around public lectures, discussion colloquia and international conferences.


Partners from Bulgaria:

Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski“

Shumen University “Bishop Konstantin of Preslav“

University of Library Studies and Information Technologies

Regional History Museum – Varna

Regional History Museum – Dobrich

Regional History Museum – Silistra

Regional History Museum – Sofia

Regional History Museum –Yambol

History Museum – Lom

History Museum – Petrich

Hall “Wulfila“


Partners from the Balkans:

Institute for Cultural Heritage Preservation Niš, Serbia

Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Turkey

University of Ljubljana


This page is part of the project LABedia: Еncyclopedia of Late Antique Balkans, 4th-5th c.,
financed by the National Science Fund, contract КП-06-Н30/6, 13.12.2018