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financed by the National Science Fund, contract КП-06-Н30/6, 13.12.2018
Svetoslav Riboloff, Sofia University “Sv. Kliment Ohridski,” Bulgaria, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Abstract: Theodore of Mopsuestia is the most prominent representative of the Antiochian Theological School. He offers an innovative approach to the subject in question. In his works ‘Wisdom of God’ means God’s providence and wise management of this world in the context of Divine economy of Salvation. It has nothing to do with the Christological interpretation one could find in a lot of patristic sources from the Late Antiquity. He has serious theological reasons to interpret the Scriptural texts about ‘Wisdom’ in such a way. His specific concept about σοφία θεοῦ is based on his doctrines on creation, image of God in the human being, the man as ‘binding connection’ of the universe, his understanding of Biblical canon and perhaps his theological position during the Arian controversy.
Key words: Antioch, Theology, Early Church, Theodore of Mopsuestia, Diodore of Tarsus.
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