Călin Timoc


Banat Museum, Timișoara


The presence of the Legio VII Claudia in Pojejena Roman Fort.

From the old excavation done in the 70s in the last century in the Roman Fort from Pojejena on the Moesia Superior Danube Limes some stamped brick tiles appeared in the area of the gate towers. Porta Praetoria was excavated in the last years by the reopening of the archaeological excavations in multianual research project lead by the National Museum of Banat from Timisoara. During the excavations of this monumental stone gate, with several phases dated from the beginning of the 3rd to middle of the fourth century a big quantity of brick stamps was unearthed, some found in situ others reused. But 90% of this bricks was made by the soldiers of the Legio VII Claudia. It is certain now that a work-detachment of this elite military unit build the stone phase of the Roman Fort from Pojejena, a important Bridgehead on the Danube, especially in the 4th century AD.


This page is part of the project LABedia: Еncyclopedia of Late Antique Balkans, 4th-5th c.,
financed by the National Science Fund, contract КП-06-Н30/6, 13.12.2018