This page is part of the project LABedia: Еncyclopedia of Late Antique Balkans, 4th-5th c.,
financed by the National Science Fund, contract КП-06-Н30/6, 13.12.2018
Thracia diocese
State Administration
Hits: 875
latin: Dioecesis Thraciae
greek: Διοίκησις Θράκης
modern: диоцез Тракия, diocese Thracia, Dioecesis Thraciarum, diocèse de Thrace, Diocese da Trácia, Диоцез Фракия
Abolished with Justinians Novel 26 (May 535).
Provinces: Europe, Thracia, Haeminontus, Rhodope, Moesia II, Scythia Minor
Crossreferences in LABedia:
Pagan Temples and Shrines in Thracia and Dacia