Dorel Bondoc

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Museum of Oltenia, Romania

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Danubian Horsemen representations from Cioroiu Nou, Dolj County, Romania.

In Cioroiu Nou, Dolj County, Romania, three such representations have been discovered so far, two of them made of lead and one of stone. These three pieces differ from each other : the first has a triangular top, the second has an arched top, and the third has a quadrilateral shape.     

The motifs rendered on their surface are the only ones that show similarities: the Great Goddess, the two Horsemen and lots of various representations all around.     

Another aspect consists in the number of such discoveries; namely, three pieces represent an important percentage if we were to compare the situation with other Roman sites in the area.


This page is part of the project LABedia: Еncyclopedia of Late Antique Balkans, 4th-5th c.,
financed by the National Science Fund, contract КП-06-Н30/6, 13.12.2018