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Ivan Gargano, University of Lille / HALMA–UMR 8164 Research Centre / Pontifical Institute of Christian Archaeology – Rome), Italy, Този имейл адрес е защитен от спам ботове. Трябва да имате пусната JavaScript поддръжка, за да го видите.

Dominic Moreau, University of Lille / HALMA–UMR 8164 Research Centre, France, Този имейл адрес е защитен от спам ботове. Трябва да имате пусната JavaScript поддръжка, за да го видите.

Abstract: Dacia Ripensis is among the less well known Late Roman provinces of the Danubian world. Several reasons can explain this situation, the state of the textual sources which mention this province (they are few and not eloquent) in the first place. Relying on some results of the DANUBIUS project of the HALMA-UMR 8164 research centre of the University of Lille, this paper proposes some thoughts and hypotheses about a specific aspect of the history of Dacia Ripensis, viz. its Christian topography. Four major historical problems are discussed: (1) the prominence acquired by the episcopal see of Aquae, (2) the possible identification of the see of Meridio, (3) the Christianisation of Romuliana and (4) the fortified outposts of Vajuga and Sucidava.

Key words: Dacia Ripensis, Christian Topography, Ecclesiastical Organisation, Episcopal Sees, Fortified Sites.



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